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President Trump Victory Coin

President Trump Victory Coin

SKU: Trump_VictoryCoin

Regular price $29.95
Regular price Retail: $34.99 Sale price $2995
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This meticulously crafted coin honors a remarkable achievement, becoming the second U.S. president to win two non-consecutive terms as the 45th President and now 47th President of the United States of America.

This unique accomplishment, echoing the resilience and determination of a true leader, is etched into the coin with precision, capturing the spirit of patriotism and strength. This highly collectible limited edition gold-plated Trump coin comes in a protective clear case so that you can proudly display and protect the coin!

**Coin comes in a black velvet bag with a display easel or you have the option to buy the the coin in a black leatherette presentation case. Both provide great options for display!